At the height of Villa Isola, in front of the aedicule with the image of the Madonna that traces the start of the long and elegant entrance boulevard, the contradictions of the landscape didn’t disappear. The sweetness of the movements of the ground clashes with the presence of many solar panels and energy control units; the ancient shape of the nearby mountains clashes with the linear and functional drawing of the strada Provinciale and with the industrial constructions along it. 

But that landscape was an integral part of the vision of the torricini of the Federico palace. Without this landscape full of minimal witnesses strictly close to each other with strong bonds- mills, small churches, villages, farmhouses, furnaces- the Ducal palace wouldn’t have the same value. The gaze on the broad and homogeneous territory raised its position. 

The Metauro river flows parallel to the path of the strada Provinciale and at the height of Villa Isola it moves sinuously as to embrace it.